Good News for the Weary


I dreaded taking Sociology my freshman year of college. My professor had a reputation as the hardest teacher on campus. Rumor had it that she assigned unreasonable amounts of work, never gave A’s, and was known for publically humiliating her students in class. I considered changing my entire schedule to avoid her. I’m glad I didn’t. She turned out to be one of my favorite professors. Was she demanding? Yes. Were the rest of the rumors true? Not even close.

It’s human nature to form opinions about people and situations based on limited information. In fact, the more I study the Bible, the more I’ve learned how prone human beings are to formulate ideas about God that aren’t biblical. We sometimes form these opinions about Him based on speculation or things we’ve heard from others but haven’t experienced ourselves. But, if our ideas about God don’t line up with who Scripture reveals Him to be, then our ideas are off base.

In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus issues an invitation to the weary: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. All of you, take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

When Jesus said, “Come to me…” He was offering an invitation to know Him personally, rather than to solely believe historical facts about him. As He spoke to those who were “weary and burdened” in the immediate context, He was referring to those who had been oppressed by a long list of rules to follow imposed by the Pharisees and scribes. In this passage, Jesus promises “rest” for those who need freedom from the oppressive and impossible burden of trying to keep the law as a way to earn salvation by works.

What is especially compelling about this passage is the clarity in which Jesus describes His character. The Bible is full of passages that describe the character of God. Here, Jesus is offering rest to the weary and burdened, not a long list of religious demands. He describes Himself as gentle and humble at heart.

If we read them, the Scriptures will teach us the true character of God. We can’t rely on other people’s perceptions of who God is or even our own speculations. I don’t want second-hand information about God. I want to know Him. Let’s look to the Word. It’s good news for the weary.

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