Perhaps the phrase that best describes me is, “sinner saved by grace.” For part of my life I learned my hardest lessons on the field trip rather than in the classroom. My life took a dramatic turn in the late 1990’s sitting at my kitchen table with my heart and Bible wide open. I identify with what the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 119:92, “If your law had not been my delight; I would have perished in my affliction.” Undoubtedly, that is true of me. Then, and now.
I have a M.A. in Theology and a B.S. in Journalism. My passion is teaching and writing about the Scriptures. I am a full-time writer and editor and freelance for various publishing companies.
Everyone is welcome here. My hope and prayer is that this blog will serve a variety of people. Sinful people, (are there any other kind?), the poor, marginalized, educated, uneducated, lost, found, looking, and everything in between. If that describes you, you’re welcome to pull up a chair to the table.
I have been married to John, since 2002. We live with two unruly Golden Doodles near Nashville, TN. I prefer boots to heels, sunflowers over roses, and Mexican food over cuisine. I am a lover of dogs, books, art, music, and the Chicago Cubs. And most of all—Jesus. Welcome to this community. I hope you’ll find yourself at home here.