Living With the Highest Level of Authenticity
Social media has numerous advantages—it’s an easy way to stay connected to friends and get information out quickly. One of the downsides, though, is that social media can lack authenticity. People tend to post the highlight reels of their lives and not the day-to-day realities. Take an unflattering picture? Crop the photo and put a […]
3 Reasons Christians Should Read Fiction
Recently, I had a conversation with a Christian man in his early thirties who said he didn’t think there was any value in reading fiction. He went as far as to say that he believes it’s a waste of time for the Christian. He was well-mannered and pleasant —but I believe he’s wrong. As I […]
Choosing Hope When Things Look Hopeless
In his critically acclaimed book, Man’s Search for Meaning, psychiatrist Victor Frankl recounts his time in Auschwitz’s concentration camp and being tortured by the Nazis. Frankl tells how several variables determined who survived and who didn’t, but for those who remained well enough to perform manual labor in the camp, the one defining characteristic of […]
You Aren’t Defenseless
Undoubtedly, you’ve seen merchandise with Scripture on it, and if you are a Christ-follower, there’s a good chance you own some. It’s not uncommon to see coffee cups, T-shirts, art, jewelry, and signs adorned with the Word of God. There’s nothing wrong with this, and in fact, the Bible encourages visual reminders of Scripture (Deut. […]