When Christmas is Difficult

The Christmas season is the toughest time of the year for many people. The holidays have a way of magnifying what we wish were different in our personal lives. To complicate matters, retailers and advertisers attempt to paint a picture of what a “perfect” Christmas might look like if all were right in our world. […]

You Can Pretend to Care, but You Can’t Pretend to Show Up: An Advent Message

Hard times are a drag, but they do clarify who your people are. If you’ve ever experienced a crisis, you’ve probably learned that some people show up on your doorstep while others you thought you could count on are glaringly absent. Ask anyone who has experienced a long season of struggle, and they’ll quickly tell […]

Taking Thanksgiving to the Next Level

When I was a child, I had asthma. Typically, it landed me in the hospital a couple of times each year. It’s been four decades, but I still remember those hospitalizations. Day after day of breathing treatments, blood draws from my wrist (big ouch), and sitting quietly in an oxygenated tent until my airway opened […]

Staying Focused in a Culture of Distraction

Recently I was waiting in line in a crowded coffee shop when something felt amiss. Despite a large number of people in the building, the shop was almost silent, with the exception of the baristas taking orders behind the counter. I looked around and realized that nearly everyone was staring at a screen. Even the […]