The Value of Confessing Sin Quickly & Often
I know a man who lived a double life for more than twenty years. He married his college sweetheart, became a successful businessman, and had three beautiful children. But he also had two children with his mistress—and for more than twenty years, his secret family lived three miles from the home he shared with his […]
The Role of Humility in a Selfie Culture
In a culture known for selfies and social media influencers, it’s not uncommon for people to think they need to make a name for themselves. In past generations, humility and discreetness were valued as virtues, but in today’s society, the mindset is, “If you don’t blow your own horn, no one else will.” The problem […]
You Don’t Need 100 Friends, but You Do Need Two or Three
Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said, “In this world you will have trouble,” (John 16:33). Most of us know people dealing with depression and anxiety, health crises, relationship problems, unemployment, and various other issues that plague the human race. But Jesus said in the latter half of John 16:33, “But take heart! I have overcome […]
Two Types of People to Avoid
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.[1] There’s no doubt that our closest friends influence our behavior, thinking, and decisions. The right people can make us stronger, but the wrong friends are a negative influence. The Bible warns that we should avoid making friends […]