What Covid-19 Reminded Me About God

It’s been quiet on the blog this month. I finished  July running on fumes. With two manuscripts due on August 1 to two separate publishers. I’d worked an insane number of hours in July and was physically, spiritually,  and emotionally spent.  When I arrived home from attending a family funeral in Dallas, I looked forward […]

When God Feels Distant: 3 Cues from the Psalms

Augustine said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” If Augustine’s words are true—and I’m convinced they are—then it’s no wonder everything feels off-kilter when God seems distant. The Puritans referred to such seasons as “the dark night of the soul,” while Dr. Martyn […]

The Most Troubling Passage in the New Testament

Not long ago, I read a newspaper article  about a man posing as a United States Marine. The man was found in an airport accepting kind words of thanks and affirmation from well-wishers when two active duty Marines noticed something amiss on his uniform. They questioned him about his service and became increasingly suspicious. The […]

Cooking, Eugene Peterson, and Looking for the Good in a Global Pandemic

Since mid-March, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives in ways we never would’ve imagined. Some of us have lost loved ones, others have gotten sick and recovered from the virus, been laid off, suffered financial loss, homeschooled antsy children, or had our world turned upside down in a dozen different ways. I don’t know […]