A Powerful Introduction

In American culture, when we meet someone new, the conversation is comically predictable. Attend any social gathering where you’ll be introduced to new people, and you’ll undoubtedly be asked what you do for a living, if you’re married or single, whether or not you have children, and where you live. Maybe these questions are simply […]

Why We Need to Preach the Gospel to Ourselves

I’ve often heard a story about a church member who asked Martin Luther why he preached the gospel each Sunday. Luther’s response? “Because each week, you keep forgetting it.” And so it is with all of us. I have the privilege of sitting under excellent preaching every week at my church. Our senior pastor and […]

Avoiding Gossip At All Cost

A few months ago, I listened to a conversation that pierced my heart, and I’ve thought about it several times since. I was standing in line at McCallister’s Deli during the lunch hour. As I waited, I overheard a group of women loudly gossiping about a co-worker. As they ate lunch, they made fun of […]

Fighting For Joy

None of us are immune to hardship, and we all go through seasons that knock us in the dirt. Trials might come in the form of a medical diagnoses, marriage problems, the death of a loved one, struggles at work, or the every-day stress of living in a fallen world. During these times, it’s possible […]