Experiencing Peace in Times of Trouble

In the months following the horse riding injury that left him paralyzed, Christopher Reeves said, “Once you choose hope, anything is possible.” Not all of us will experience a life-altering injury, but we will all endure seasons of hardship that have the potential to steal our peace. It might come in the form of a […]

Asking God For Mercy

A couple of days ago I heard someone say the old cliché, “You made your bed, now lie in it.” That statement makes me cringe. The mindset promotes the idea that if you make a wrong choice, you are forever stuck with the consequences. I don’t know about you, but I’ve made some bad decisions. […]

3 Ways I Pray For My Husband

Last month John and I celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary. We both readily agree that our anniversary is far more a celebration of God’s faithfulness than our accomplishment. Fifteen years ago, the two of us had enough baggage to fill a fleet of semi-trucks. (These days we like to think we’ve downsized to a couple […]

Lessons From Gethsemane

It’s not likely that any of us will face crucifixion on a cross, but there will be times we suffer. We will experience our own little Gethsemane’s. Our times of distress won’t come close to the degree of suffering Christ experienced, but they will be devastating to us. It might come in the form of […]