God vs. Customer Service: Why We Must Keep Asking

A few days ago I was in a sandwich shop during the lunch-hour rush. The line to order snaked out the front door and onto the sidewalk. As I stood at the pick-up counter a woman in front of me came unglued over the wait-time and unleashed her furor on an overwhelmed teenage girl working […]

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

Earlier this year I had a decision to make that I knew would dramatically impact the life of a loved one. Frankly, I didn’t know the right thing to do. I agonized over the decision. There were pros and cons in each direction, and regardless of how I proceeded, there would be no perfect outcome. […]

Quit Deceiving Yourself

A couple of years ago, I suffered a severe back injury. For seventeen grueling days, I was unable to lift my head higher than 3 o’clock. Despite a trip to the ER and prescription medication potent enough to sedate an elephant, my lower back remained locked up as tight as a drum. I shuffled from […]

The Key to Perseverance

Like many of you, I’m enamored with men and women who beat the odds in impossible situations. Those who keep fighting when everyone else call it quits fascinate me. I often wonder, “What keeps a person going when there’s no visible evidence to warrant perseverance? Can I develop that tenacity?” Life has a strange way […]