What My Dad Taught Me About The Father

On a spring afternoon during my third-grade year, I was playing in the front yard when a teenage neighbor asked if I wanted a ride on her 3-wheeler ATV. I was only 8 years old, so of course, I considered this an honor. The only problem was my dad overheard the invitation and called me […]

Dealing With Secret Sins

It might sound old-fashioned, but I love keeping house. I call it “nesting.” I can spend hours tinkering in different rooms, arranging and rearranging. The world is tough, and I want to create an inviting place for John and me to come home to. Our house isn’t fancy, but it’s filled with things we love, […]

The Case for Community Even If You’re an Introvert

I vividly remember bringing home my first report card. My kindergarten teacher, Ms. Miller, handed them out at the end of the day, and I tucked mine into my bright orange backpack before filing out of the classroom. Later that day, as my mother opened the envelope and examined my grades, she read aloud to […]

When God Is Silent

My husband and I talk on the phone or text each other multiple times a day. This has been our routine for nearly eighteen years, and neither of us would have it any other way. One of the things I appreciate most about John is no matter how busy he is, he always takes my […]