What My Dog’s Separation Anxiety Reminded Me About God

Last fall, my husband and I brought home a Golden Doodle puppy named Shug. He’s everything you’d want a puppy to be—playful, smart, funny, easy to train, and cute. I know I am partial, but he is the ideal dog in most ways. As far as I can tell, he’s only got one flaw: he […]

The God Who Sees

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of injustice, you know what it’s like when people in authority fail to see what’s happening. We’ve all known (or been) the small kid in elementary school that the village bully pounced on every time the teacher turned her back. Many of us have suffered from lazy […]

Bouncing Back from Burnout

Back in March, I finished writing the second of back-to-back manuscripts. Most long writing projects are challenging, but some are more difficult than others; this one was the equivalent of swimming in concrete. In recent memory, I don’t remember ever struggling over a manuscript like I did this one. When the final chapter was finally […]

3 Things I Wish Someone Would’ve Told Me When I Became a Christian

  I didn’t grow up in church, so when I became a Christ-follower in my twenties, there was a lot I didn’t know about the Christian faith. Fast-forward two and a half decades, and I’m still learning. I don’t pretend to have all the answers,  but if I could sit down and have a cup […]