Try a Little Kindness

Recently I was in heavy traffic when a man sped by me and flipped me off. I confess, my response was inappropriate—I erupted in a fit of laughter. I wasn’t attempting to provoke the man. I’ve read numerous news reports about road-raged lunatics shooting innocent drivers on the interstate. It’s just that his “gesture” struck […]

What the Church Can Learn From Alcoholics Anonymous

My friends in Alcoholics Anonymous tell me there’s a mantra in AA that says, “You are only as sick as your secrets.” One of the reasons AA has been so successful in helping people beat addiction is because they offer a non-judgmental community where people can tell the truth about the ugliest parts of their […]

The Case for Biblical Meditation

These days, most of us are distracted. Constant access to technology and a steady diet of scrolling has highjacked our attention spans. In his book Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention—and How to Think Deeply Again, author Johann Hari writes that the typical office worker can’t concentrate for longer than three minutes before being […]

The Art of Encouraging Ourselves

Walk into any bookstore, and you’ll find shelves filled with self-help books written by motivational experts. Human beings need continual encouragement and motivation, so these titles continue to be popular. When someone complained to Zig Ziglar, a well-known motivational expert, that motivation doesn’t last, Ziglar replied, “Neither does bathing. That’s why it’s recommended every day.” […]